3 professions that put workers at risk of developing carpel tunnel syndrome

On Behalf of | Feb 21, 2024 | Injuries |

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a prevalent condition that particularly affects people who engage in repetitive hand movements as part of their profession.

While CTS can develop due to various factors, certain professions pose a higher risk due to the nature of the tasks involved. Being aware of the professions that significantly elevate the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome can help workers prepare for occupational hazards.


Nursing is a demanding profession that requires compassion, dedication and a high level of technical skill. While nurses play a crucial role in patient care, their work often involves repetitive motions such as:

  • Lifting patients
  • Administering medication
  • Documenting medical records

These repetitive tasks put nursing assistants at risk for carpal tunnel syndrome. Not to mention that long hours of standing and the use of handheld devices for charting significantly increase the risk of developing this condition.

Data entry clerks

Data entry clerks spend a substantial amount of time typing on keyboards, often for extended periods without adequate breaks. The repetitive motion of typing can exert pressure on the median nerve. This can lead to inflammation and compression within the carpal tunnel.

Additionally, the use of poorly designed keyboards or improper typing techniques can exacerbate the risk of developing CTS among data entry professionals. Regular breaks and stretching exercises may help alleviate strain on the wrists and hands, potentially reducing the likelihood of CTS development.

Assembly line workers

Assembly line workers engage in repetitive tasks, such as assembling components or packaging products, which involve constant hand and wrist movements. The repetitive nature of these activities, coupled with the use of vibrating tools or machinery, can increase the risk of CTS development over time.

Prolonged exposure to repetitive motions without sufficient rest intervals can lead to inflammation and compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Adjustable height settings at workstations and vibration-dampening tools can also help alleviate pressure on the wrists and hands.

Many workers face significant risks of developing carpal tunnel syndrome due to the nature of their profession. By being aware of risk factors, workers can do their best to help minimize the likelihood that they’ll develop this kind of harm. Workers who have already sustained significant injuries should consider pursuing any workers’ compensation benefits that they may be entitled to.

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