How long must someone work to qualify for full SSD benefits?

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2023 | Social Security Disability Insurance |

There are three main factors that determine whether or not someone qualifies for Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance benefits. Those who apply for SSD typically need documentation affirming their claim that their medical condition is so severe they cannot work at all. Additionally, they need proof that their condition will persist for at least a year, if not for the rest of their life.

Finally, an applicant will need to have worked for long enough to accrue enough credits with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to get full benefits. People make contributions to the SSA from every paycheck they receive, and the SSA will grant them credits based on the amount of income that they report. Each year, workers can accrue up to four credits. They earn one credit for each $1,640 earned, up to the maximum of four credits annually.

When an adult applies for SSD benefits, they typically need to have at least 40 credits on their record. Additionally, the SSA generally expects that they will have accrued at least 20 of those credits within the last 10 years. However, disabling medical conditions can arise at any age, and the SSA does have a sliding scale that applies to workers under the age of 31. Generally, the agency requires less work history but must have remained employed for at least half of the time since they became adults to secure full benefits with fewer than 40 credits accrued.

How can someone verify their credits with the SSA?

Confirming one’s eligibility for SSD benefits based on employment history often requires either visiting a local SSA office or creating a digital account to look online at one’s history of contributions and credits.

Those who validate that their condition may qualify and that their employment history is sufficient will be in the best position to secure SSD benefits. Learning more about the basic requirements for SSD may help those with major medical issues feel more confident about applying for the support they need.

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