8 common breaches of workplace safety

On Behalf of | May 20, 2020 | Workers' Compensation |

You were injured on the job in Torrance, California, and you’re ready to file for workers’ compensation benefits. It should be kept in mind that employers have the right to deny payment, especially when employees are the ones to blame for their own injuries. Other times, employees are hurt indirectly by their employers when the latter do not establish a safety-minded culture. Below are eight mistakes that employees might make in such an environment.

Be aware of your surroundings

Many workers fail to pay attention to their surroundings and the potential hazards they pose. For example, heavy machinery, conveyor belts and trip hazards like cables and debris should all be taken note of. Second, workers may fail to keep the emergency exits clear; in some cases, employees will put a forklift in front of an exit without thinking twice. Third, many employees won’t report hazards to their supervisor.

No to shortcuts, yes to breaks

Workers may push through without a break, which is a fourth mistake. OSHA requires workers to take breaks for the simple reason that fatigue makes one accident-prone. A fifth mistake is for workers to take shortcuts and neglect certain procedures when operating machinery.

Correct posture and correct PPE

Next, workers could injure themselves by having the wrong posture. This applies not only to actions like heavy lifting but also to working behind a computer. The wrong posture there can cause back and neck pain and lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Another way that workers don’t protect themselves is by failing to wear the right personal protective equipment.

Understand new safety procedures

Every time a company purchases new equipment or updates the training, the supervisor should alert employees and instruct them accordingly on safety procedures. If the supervisor does not, then it’s up to employees to ask.

A lawyer to locally represent you

Under workers’ compensation law, you’re entitled to wage replacement and reimbursement for your medical expenses. If you have a temporary or permanent disability, benefits must cover this as well. Before filing your claim, though, you may want to hire a lawyer for guidance.

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